X-rays in Geosciences and Mineralogy

Sigray’s AttoMap microXRF system is a novel automated mineralogy solution that provides trace-level mapping at resolutions as fine as 3–5 µm. For oil and gas exploration (digital rock physics), Sigray’s 3D x-ray microscopes (EclipseXRM and TriLambdaXRM) offer a multi-scale solution for in-situ three-phase flow studies and multi-scale imaging of rock pores.

Automated Mineralogy with Micro X-ray Fluorescence (MicroXRF)

AttoMap serves as a powerful complement to SEM-based mineralogy approaches by providing 1000X the sensitivity of SEM-EDS for trace elemental mapping. Designed with a high-vacuum enclosure, the AttoMap-310 detects elements from Be to U and high sensitivity mapping of C, O, N (<1%). Its sensitivity to low atomic number elements, combined with AI-based grain segmentation, enables accurate mineralogical identification.

For correlative capabilities within the same tool, AttoMap integrates optical microscopy and accommodates additional modalities such as Raman spectroscopy.

Mineralogical mapping using Sigray’s AttoMap (left), a correlative optical image acquired with the AttoMap (upper right), and a SEM-EDS image of the same smaple
Mineralogy – even for light elements: Oxygen (green), Phosphorus (red), Arsenic (pink), Calcium (blue), and Copper (yellow) mapped in a geological rock by AttoMap-310. Courtesy Dr. S.S. Chinnasamy, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Digital Rock Physics and in-situ Three-Phase Flow

Sigray’s EclipseXRM provides sub-100nm voxel size and 300nm spatial resolution for high-resolution, high-contrast 3D imaging of rock samples. The system offers the flexibility to image larger core plugs while delivering substantially higher resolution (see image on right). Most importantly, EclipseXRM provides the highest image quality for segmenting pores and cracks in rock samples.

EclipseXRM is designed with the flexibility for in-situ experiments and can accommodate cells designed for two and three phase flow studies.

EclipseXRM’s high resolution (300nm) provides dramatically higher performance for imaging difficult shale and carbonate samples.
Carbonate rock imaged at 322nm (0.322um) voxel size.