Sigray FAAST Reflection X-ray Source

The patented FAAST™ (Fine Anode Array Source Technology) microfocus x-ray source features an x-ray target comprised of fine metal microstructures encapsulated in a diamond substrate. This major advancement in x-ray source technology was made possible, in part, by recent innovations in advanced semiconductor processing techniques.

When combined with Sigray’s mirror lens, the FAAST-Microbeam™ system (integrated source + optics) provides:

  • Smallest spot x-ray microbeam delivery system (<8 µm) on the market
  • Substantially higher (>50X) brightness at the sample in comparison to existing polycapillary-based x-ray illumination systems  
  • Large working distance (up to 50 mm) for a broad range of applications

How do the FAAST™ microstructured source targets work?

The primary limitation of brightness in conventional microfocus and rotating anode x-ray sources is the upper limit on power density before the solid metal target melts. This has been a long-standing bottleneck in achieving high brightness within the laboratories and outside synchrotron facilities.

Sigray’s innovative target design overcomes this challenge by incorporating microns-scale metal x-ray emitters in close thermal contact with a surrounding diamond substrate. This configuration enables highly localized, large thermal gradients that rapidly cool the target as x-rays are produced under electron bombardment. Not only can electron power densities be increased substantially (e.g. over 4X in the case of copper, a common x-ray target material – and even greater for metals of lower thermal conductivity), but there are numerous additional advantages including:

  • Provides linear accumulation of x-rays to even further maximize brightness along very low take-off angles;
  • Enables the use of many elements previously considered unfeasible as x-ray source materials (thereby enabling access to new x-ray spectra)
  • Empowers the incorporation of multiple microstructured regions with different materials for rapid switching between different x-ray energies within the same source


Sigray can customize its patented x-ray sources to your desired specifications.
Options include: target materials, spot size (we provide line focus and round spots), and desired x-ray energy operation.

Target materials can be selected up to 5 materials, including: Si, Rh, Cr, Cu, Au, Mo, Ag, W, and more.

Contact Us

Please contact us with the form below or through [email protected] if you need a quotation or brochure for the x-ray source, or if you want to discuss customization options.